Stellengesuche und -angebote

I am looking for a host family and work for free only for mutual acquaintance and exchange.

Hello I am looking for a host family and work is free only for mutual acquaintance and exchange. Interested in this can contact me by e-mail. Thank

1 Answerslatest answer: 6 years ago2 have this question 4514 views

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Das ist die akzeptierte Lösung:

Dear Khalid, 

the host family provides free board and lodging for the au pair, but should also pay a certain pocket money, maybe support with the language course as well. In return the au pair looks after the host family’s children for some hours a day and also supports with light housework. The amount for the pocket money in different countries varies as do the allowed working hours, but you can find the more detailed information for each country from our country information under the rules & regulations. 

Best regards,
Taina from the cAP team

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